Wastewater & Water Treatment & Reuse Books: Processes, Engineering, Plants Design & Operation
- Qasim, S.R., "Wastewater Treatment Plants, Planning, Design and Operation",
Technomic Publishing Company, Second Edition, Lancaster, PA and Basel,
Switzerland (1999)
- Anon., Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, 2 Volumes, Manual
of Practice No. 8, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia,
Manual of Engineering Practice No.76, American Society of Civil Engineers,
New York (1992).
- Metcalf
& Eddy, "Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal and Reuse," Fourth
Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York (2003).
- Anon., "Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants," Manual of
Practice No. 8, Water Pollution Control Federation, Alexandria, Virginia,
Manual of Engineering Practice No. 76, American Society of Civil Engineers,
New York (1992).
Collection and Pumping Station for Wastewater, Sewerage, Sewage and Sanitary
- Metcalf & Eddy,(Written and edited by George Tchobanoglous) "Wastewater
Engineering: Collection and Pumping of Wastewater," McGraw-Hill Book
Co., New York (1981).
- Sanks, R.L., Editor-in-Chief, "Pumping Station Design," Butterworths,
Boston, Massachusetts. (1989).
- Anon., "Design and Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers," Manual
of Practice No. 9, Water Pollution Control Federation, Alexandria, Virginia,
Manual of Engineering Practice No. 37, American Society of Civil Engineers,
New York (1970), (Fifth Printing 1982).
Water Supply and Management Books
- Sizing Water Service Lines and Meters, AWWA manual ; M22, Second Edition, c2004.